Popular press
Achieving Carnot Efficiency at High Operating Speeds in a Micro Heat Engine
Nature Communications (2023)
EurekAlert - Cracking an age-old thermodynamic puzzle
PhysOrg - Micro heat engine research cracks an age-old thermodynamic puzzle
The Print - High power at high efficiency — How team with IISc scientists made ‘impossible engine’
The New Indian Express - IISc scientists design 100 per cent efficient ‘micro heat engine’
The Telegraph - Bangalore: Indian physicists break 200-year-old heat engine barrier
Deccan Herald - Heat engine: Bengaluru scientists overcome 200 year old problem on Carnot’s heat-engine

Colloids Reproduce Interatom Interactions on Surfaces
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2022)
Glassy dynamics in designer active ellipsoids
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2022)
Physics Magazine, APS
Indian Express
Coverage by India Science Channel. See it on YouTube (time stamp 2:12 - 7:12)

Crystallization of a glass observed
for the first time in experiments
Nature Physics (2021)
Research Matters
Science Bulletin
Deccan Herald
The Week

Physicists prove that 2D and 3D liquids are fundamentally different
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA (2019)
Popular Mechanics - Scientists solve 50 year old mechanics problem
Science Daily
Eureka Alert

A raft of soap bubbles remembers its past
Physical Review Letters (2019)
Physics Today

Bengaluru researchers mimic nature to produce richer colour
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2016)
The Hindu
Bacterial powered micro heat engine
Nature Physics (2016)
Nature India - How a microscopic bio-heat engine works
Deccan Herald - City scientists build heat engines from bacteria
The Hindu - Scientists use bacteria to power a tiny engine
Also see Prajavani
Inside the obscure world of glass
Nature Physics 2015
Coverage by Rajyasabha TV. Check out the Youtube video (time stamp: 4:15 - 9:20)

Dynamics of driven grain boundaries
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2012)
Deccan Herald - Scientists find new tool to make GenNext materials
Nature India - Secrets of crystal growth unveiled
Watching crystals grow provides clues to making smoother, defect-free thin films
Science 2010
Physics World - Jostling balls reveal secrets of ultrathin films
National Science Foundation, USA
Cornell Chronicle
Science Daily